NMT with attention
Model Code with Trax
def NMTAttn(input_vocab_size=33300,
"""Returns an LSTM sequence-to-sequence model with attention.
The input to the model is a pair (input tokens, target tokens), e.g.,
an English sentence (tokenized) and its translation into German (tokenized).
input_vocab_size: int: vocab size of the input
target_vocab_size: int: vocab size of the target
d_model: int: depth of embedding (n_units in the LSTM cell)
n_encoder_layers: int: number of LSTM layers in the encoder
n_decoder_layers: int: number of LSTM layers in the decoder after attention
n_attention_heads: int: number of attention heads
attention_dropout: float, dropout for the attention layer
mode: str: 'train', 'eval' or 'predict', predict mode is for fast inference
A LSTM sequence-to-sequence model with attention.
# Step 0: call the helper function to create layers for the input encoder
input_encoder = input_encoder_fn(input_vocab_size, d_model, n_encoder_layers)
# Step 0: call the helper function to create layers for the pre-attention decoder
pre_attention_decoder = pre_attention_decoder_fn(mode, target_vocab_size, d_model)
# Step 1: create a serial network
model = tl.Serial(
# Step 2: copy input tokens and target tokens as they will be needed later.
tl.Select([0, 1, 0, 1]),
# Step 3: run input encoder on the input and pre-attention decoder the target.
tl.Parallel(input_encoder, pre_attention_decoder),
# Step 4: prepare queries, keys, values and mask for attention.
tl.Fn('PrepareAttentionInput', prepare_attention_input, n_out=4),
# Step 5: run the AttentionQKV layer
# nest it inside a Residual layer to add to the pre-attention decoder activations(i.e. queries)
tl.Residual(tl.AttentionQKV(d_feature=d_model, n_heads=n_attention_heads, dropout=attention_dropout, mode=mode)),
# Step 6: drop attention mask (i.e. index = None
tl.Select([0, 2]),
# Step 7: run the rest of the RNN decoder
[tl.LSTM(d_model) for _ in range(n_encoder_layers)],
# Step 8: prepare output by making it the right size
# Step 9: Log-softmax for output
return model
Dot-Product Attention
Queries, Keys, Values
input -> representation(a column vector)
Q, K, V 中每一列表示一个单词
计算得到 attention(a weighted sequence)
Attention weights: \(W_A = Q K^T\)
Result: \(score = softmax(Q K^T) * V\)
相似的向量 Q, K 在 dot product 后会得到更大的 score,通过 softmax 可以将点乘的结果转化为概率 probability
A softmax function makes attention more focused on best keys.
- K: [\(L_K\), D], English words
- Q: [\(L_Q\), D], German words, each query \(q_i\) picks the most similar key \(k_j\)
- V: [\(L_K\), D], \(Z = W_A*V\), attention weights multiply V to get weighted combination of the input
Each query \(q_i\) picks the most similar key \(k_j\) to get \(v_j\), and return a weighted sequence of words(attention * words)
Causal Attention
- Encoder/decoder attention: a sequence(German, decoder) attend to another one(English, encoder), translation
- Causal (self) attention: words attend to words in the past of the same sentence, text sumaries
- Bi-directional self-attention: words in the same sentence look both at previous and future words
- K: [L, D]
- Q: [L, D], same sentence with K, each query \(q_i\) picks the most similar key \(k_j\) but only when \(j <= i\) (attend to previous words only)
- V: [L, D]
Each query \(q_i\) picks the most similar key \(k_j\) in the same sentence to get \(v_j\), and return a weighted sequence of previous words(attention * previous words)
Multi-head attention
Normalization: divide by \(\sqrt{d_k}\) to prevent the gradients to be extremely small when large values of D sub K
D: embedding dimension, K: words sequence length
multi-head Concatenation
Scaled Dot-Product Attention
Multi-head attention formula
LSH Attention
Attention is used to try which query (q) and key (k) are the most similar.
\(A(Q,K,V) = softmax(QK^T)V A(Q,K,V)=softmax(QKT)V\)
- hash q and the keys
- put similar vectors in the same bucket
- planes to separate the buckets (sign={0,1})
- compute standard attention on the bins that you have created
- repeat the same process several times to increase the probability of having the same key in the same bin as the query.
- Given the sequence of queries and keys, hash them into buckets
- split the buckets into chunks (for parallel computing)
- compute the attention within the same bucket of the chunk you are looking at and the previous chunk